Hoof Boots FAQ's

Hoof Boots FAQ's

Team GS |

Q: Do I need to break in my Cavallo Boots?
A: Riders should allow their horses to ‘break-in’ their boots gradually, starting with 15 – 20 minutes and increasing from there, while monitoring the comfort of the hoofs. Wearing your Cavallos in water or using a leather conditioner to “work” the leather at the heel bulb will hasten the softening progress. Cavallo Comfort Sleeves or Pastern Wraps can be used to help prevent any chaffing during the break-in period. 

One of the outstanding features of Cavallo boots (all models) is that the back bulb area is padded with leather on both sides – inside and out, with a foam cushion in between, which softens and conforms to the unique shape of your horse’s bulbs. So the boots literally custom mould to your horse’s feet PROVIDING PROTECTION AND SUPPORT!  (For a club footed horse or a horse with an upright hoof, the back of the boot will remain more upright.)

Q: How long can Cavallo Boots be worn at one time?

A: Riders should allow their horses to ‘break-in’ their boots gradually, starting with 15 – 20 minutes and increasing from there, while monitoring the comfort of the hoofs. Wearing your Cavallos in water or using a leather conditioner to “work” the leather at the heel bulb will hasten the softening progress. Some horses begin wearing boots as a result of an injury or condition whereby they cannot wear metal shoes. Cavallo hoof protection can be worn for extended periods of time, using Pastern Wraps to help prevent any chaffing. Remove the boots daily to check the hooves to be sure no unnecessary problems are developing. If you notice anything unusual or concerning, remove the boots immediately.

Q: Can my Horse wear Cavallo Boots 24/7?

A: Cavallo Hoof Boots and Pads can be worn for extended periods – even 24/7. In the case of a hoof issue or injury, if there is no time for the recommended boot ‘break-in’ period, you may use Cavallo Pastern Wraps, Comfort Sleeves, socks, or even vet wrap to protect the pastern area. Bacteria can be controlled by soaking the boots in a solution of apple cider vinegar and water from time to time.

Q: Can I Use Cavallo Boots Over Metal Shoes?

A: Yes! Many people do indeed use Cavallo Boots (all styles) in combination with metal shoes, with great results. The Cavallo Boot TPU (thermo-plastic urethane) soles can assist in absorbing shock, which causes vibration up the horse’s structure. Boots also prevent sole bruising in rough terrain, on hard ground and asphalt. Cavallos are also used for shod horses for hoof rehabilitation and to provide increased comfort and protection during riding, training, transport, and turnout.