Q&A With Tina Wallace

Q&A With Tina Wallace

Team GS |

Tina & Banksy 

Preparing for Badminton's Grassroots


We chatted with the wonderful Tina Wallace (also known as Life On The Left Rein on Instagram and Youtube) to find out how she has been preparing with her horse Banksy for the Badminton Grassroots:

What Has been key in your preparation for Badminton?

Tina: My key preparation has been that I’ve been disciplined for a change. ‘Cus the thing about motivation is you can’t always be motivated, but I have been disciplined.

I’ve been 3-D’d: Disciplined, determined and dedicated to training in the elements that I actually need training in, rather than just doing the fun stuff. For instance: Last Friday I could have gone cross-country schooling, but I went for a dressage lesson instead!

Name one item you can’t be without at events.

Tina: My one item I could 100% never be without when eventing, and I’ve had it since 2016, is the Equilibrium Massage Pad. It’s just perfect for Mr Tense! I always put it on him when plaiting, when studding, and even when we are just going to a local dressage competition in the box. I will always put it on to relax his muscles and relieve any tension before putting the saddle on.

Which phase of eventing do you love the most?

Tina: Oh, this one is easy! I love cross-country best, it is what 90% of people who do eventing would say. But more recently I’ve started to enjoy the dressage, which is a bit of a shock! It has taken 10 years to though!

What 5 essential products will you make sure are packed in the lorry?

Tina: Definitely my massage pad! The Carr & Day & Martin Dream Coat, to keep Banksy super shiny. Stud Muffins because they are Banksy’s favourite, and will deserve them. All of my safety items, like my Champion Hat. Plus, the NAF Cooling Gel on his legs after XC.

Do you have any competition superstitions?

Tina: I can’t say I have any superstitions, however I am a creature of habit! I will be wearing my Tredstep Breeches, which are about 7 or 8 years old. Being comfortable is when you perform at your best.

What advice would you give to those aspiring for the grassroots?

Tina: Enjoy the journey! Because as incredible as getting there is, it is the memory and moments you get to experience along the way that are the most special. When you have horses, you never know how quickly or how soon it can all come crashing to an end.

As we didn’t get to go last year I am very aware of how suddenly things can change. It is an incredible thing to aim for, but it isn’t the be all to end all because the journey, the fun, the learning and the memories that are made on the way of getting there is the special part. Getting there and competing is just the icing on the cake!

2 minute read

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